Sunday, May 17, 2020

Type Talk - 1269 Words

Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, Love, and Work by Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen Dell Publishing, October, 1989 Type Talk is a primer on personality preference typing centered on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI is a widely-used test that helps a person begin to understand why people perceive situations differently, communicate different from others, and opt for different activities. The book s authors, Otto Kroeger and Janet Thuesen, husband and wife, have long been in the forefront of adapting the MBTI for use in everyday life and coined the phrase Typewatching as a descriptor for their work. Kroeger and Thuesen open the book with a chapter on name-calling. They†¦show more content†¦(pp. 28-29). Extraversion and introversion are presented next as the two energy sources that fuel our information gathering and decision making and lastly, the judging/perceiving preference illustrates how we relate to the outer world Ââ€" either as a decision-maker (J) or as an information-gatherer (P) (pp. 32-38). After completing the introductory and explanatory material the authors take us to practical applications of Typewatching Ââ€" in the workplace, and in interpersonal relationships such as friendship, dating and commitment, and family life between parents and children. The chapter on workplace Typewatching, titled Typewatching From 9 to 5, is the lengthiest chapter and the interest in workplace Typewatching no doubt influenced Kroeger and Thuesen to devote a second book, Type Talk at Work, solely to Typewatching s influence on workplace dynamics. The authors continue their discourse on Typewatching with a chapter titled Typewatching Everywhere. Here they briefly discuss Typewatching in educational environments as practiced by teachers and learners and move to Typewatching s applications in social settings, one s approach to personal finance, weight gain or loss, humor, sports, religion, and politics. In the off chance the reader had missed the authors message before this point, Typewatching abounds and one need not look very far to see it in use. While most of the writing is very upbeat and intended to extol the benefits ofShow MoreRelated Type Talk Essay1224 Words   |  5 Pages Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, Love, and Work by Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen Dell Publishing, October, 1989 Type Talk is a primer on personality preference typing centered on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (â€Å"MBTI†). The MBTI is a widely-used â€Å"test† that helps a person begin to understand why people perceive situations differently, communicate different from others, and opt for different activities. 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